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Efficient air cleaning to reduce emissions from pig housing

Big Dutchman is your competent partner for expert planning and implementation of air cleaning systems. Many years of experience with hundreds of realised projects and the use of proven and certified air scrubbers enable us to make your pig production ready for the future. Our job does not end with completion of the project. The scrubber remains functionally reliable in the long term only when it is serviced correctly and regularly.

Vantaggi principali

  • permanently high separation rates;
  • easy handling;
  • reduced water consumption due to cleaning of the wash water and return to the circuit;
  • very little counter-pressure thanks to pH-neutral, automatic desludging;
  • small quantities of acids and alkalis used;
  • easy-to-understand process monitoring;
  • low construction and operating costs.


  • Basse emissioni nella produzione suinicola e avicola: come i depuratori di aria esausta riducono ammoniaca, odore e polvere.

    “La maggior parte dei sistemi funzionano come una lavatrice”

    La produzione avicola e suinicola costituisce una parte importante dell’allevamento in Germania. Gli allevamenti del paese ospitano 147 milioni di volatili, mentre il numero di suini ammonta a quasi 27 milioni. Poiché il numero di capi ha raggiunto livelli elevati in alcune regioni della Germania, gli allevatori, specialmente nelle aree con alti carichi ambientali sono stati invitati a ridurre le…


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