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for organic, free range and barn egg production

NATURA Nova is our aviary classic. Its signature feature is that the bottom nest and the feed and water sources are all on the same level.

Ważne zalety

  • the hens can easily reach the nest, which increases nest acceptance;
  • the raised connection aisle helps with daily bird inspection since it provides farm staff with a good overview of the flock;
  • the stepped design means that the birds need to make only short jumps so they can easily switch between the functional areas for resting, eating and drinking, and egg laying;
  • 100 percent of the house’s floor is scratching area, which means much room to move for the hens;
  • the large usable area ensures good utilisation of the house surface;
  • the manure belts below the levels collect most of the manure and transport it out of the barn, decreasing the ammonia content in the air and improving hygienic conditions;
  • the pullets quickly get used to the aviary after they are moved in because feed and water are easy to find; at the beginning, the system is easily closed off with netting;
  • the clever design reduces hotbeds for mites and increases welfare.


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