Egg producers from Southeastern Europe learn about layer management in alternative systems

Practical tips on aviary systems are very well received

  • The audience focusing on the lecture.
    The audience focusing on the lecture.

Every beginning is difficult! This is also true for egg producers and pullet rearers who want to switch from cages or enriched colony systems to cage-free aviaries, venturing into uncharted territory. An event in Croatia recently showed that support from experts is essential for this switch. Participants from as many as seven Balkan countries travelled to the city of Osijek to attend a two-day seminar organised by Big Dutchman for its customers in Southeastern Europe. Staff members of the German poultry equipment supplier brought along valuable information for the management of layers in aviary systems.

“Many of our customers from the Balkans currently decide on a transition to alternative housing systems. The need for advice is great as managing hens in houses for barn and free range egg production is much more challenging than in previous management systems,” explains Big Dutchman Area Sales Manager Jens Schuling. Some of the participants had come a long way: besides Bosnia, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia, egg producers travelled from countries as far away as Bulgaria and North Macedonia. 

Their conclusion was positive: “On behalf of my colleagues, I would like to thank you for the invitation and for organising this extremely useful seminar,” was one enthusiastic reaction from Slovenia. In addition to the well-founded theoretical basics, the participants were particularly impressed by the abundance of practical tips.

Practical know-how

Eric Styvers from the Netherlands covered the topic of pullet rearing. The well-respected and knowledgeable expert provided information on management issues, the lighting program and feeding.

Big Dutchman product manager Angelika Jürgens presented her topics in a similar way, showing her practical experience. Her focus was on egg production in alternative systems.

Aviary systems in Southeastern Europe

Bulgaria, Croatia and Slovenia are member states of the European Union, i.e. EU law is applicable. Egg producers in these countries can thus select either enriched colony systems or multi-level aviary systems. The same applies to egg producers based in countries which have been accepted as candidate countries. Examples are Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. Upon accession to the European Union, they must implement all EU laws. This includes the German Order on the Protection of Animals and the Keeping of Production Animals.

Big Dutchman has been working intensively on the topic of alternative management systems for more than 30 years. The result is a comprehensive range of aviary systems including the respective management knowledge – an attractive combination: to date, the poultry equipment supplier has equipped 160 million bird places with Natura aviary systems!


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